The Dullsvillain

Slinging mud at the media of Dullsville (aka Perth, Western Australia)

Posts Tagged ‘bread

Police arrest transvestite robber

with 8 comments

Zhu Hong Bing translates choice pieces of journalism from the Australian Chinese Times

Poliice arrest “cross-dressing” robber

Perth police arrested a man, this man suspected of wearing blue clothes and a pink fake hair to rob a northern suburbs gas station.

When they raided a house, police arrested this man.

Police say this man broke into a food shop located in the northern suburbs, use gun menace the staff, and robbed all the cash.

He recently received the trial in Joondalup Court.

[Australian Chinese Times]

I have comment to say about this. WHY does Australian Chinese Times publish this maybe 14 days late! See here, ABC report the story on May 7. No wonder the ACS does not put the date!!!

Not only this, but the ACS says he “recently” receive the trial – but they don’t even find out if he got free or not. Only have one Chinese newpaper, I want to say the Chinese speaking community deserve better than this!!! But if I say that, people maybe think I think the Chinese community deserve better than all-wide local community…..”only one paper” is my locals friends always complain to me.

This is such a shit, shit, short story, i should do another. This one I find very funny.

Bread Shop Boss Fined Money

A Geraldton City bread shop boss, because he did not ensure the delivery driver have sufficient rest, been fined 15,000 Australian Dollars.

This “Sun City Bakeries” company provide bread to the Karratha area’s shops.

Because WorkSafe enacted investigation and discovered, one driver of this company was driving the car to exceed 17 hours, he had not undergone the required rest.

Judge Stephen Salad (?) found, this company violates occupational health and safely laws, because it did not ensure the driver respected the rules.

He also pointed out the company does not have tired-management scheme.

The company was also forced to pay 10,000 Australian dollars in fees.

[Australian Chinese Times]